Jumat, 16 Januari 2009





Study the sentences below !


These cattle are for sale.

The people of Indonesia are called Indonesians.

The police make enquires about the murder.

The youth of today don’t know what they want.


Answer these questions!


1.       Are the words in italic used in a singular or plural form meaning? How do you know?

2.       Are they singular or plural in form?

3.       Do they take a singular or singular form of verb?

4.       What is your conclusion after answering questions 1 and 2?

Rounded Rectangle: Kata Benda yang selalu tunggal dalam bentuknya tetapi jamka dalam artinya, sehingga kelompok kata benda ini harus diikuti kata kerja Jamak (are, were, or V1) (Nouns are always singular in form, but plural in meaning) 


















the poor

the rich





Study the group of sentences in box a and box B as well.




Our team is the best

Our team are wearing their new jerseys

The government has decided to pass the bill.

The government have discussed the matter and they have reached agreement

The family is a very happy one.

The family are very pleased about the news of Rinto’s success.

The jury is considering its verdict.

The jury are considering their verdict.


Answer these questions!


1.     Do the italic words in “A” convey singular or plural meaning? How do you know?

2.     What about the italic words in “B”?

3.     Are they singular or plural in form?

4.     In which group (A or B) do you think they are considered to mean a single group or unit and a number of individuals?

5.     What is your conclusion after answering question 1, 2, 3 and 4?







Rounded Rectangle: COOLECTIVE NOUNS (Kate benda yang menunjukan kelompok) a. Bila dianggap sebagai satu kesatuan atau unit maka kata benda ini harus diikuti kata kerja bentuk tunggal (is, was atau Vs/es) b. Bila ditekankan pada perbuatan masing-masing anggota yang ada dalam kelompok tersebut, maka kata kerja yang mengikutinya harus bentuk jamak (are, were atau V1). c.  















































Study the following sentences and answer the questions!


1.     My spectacles have lost, so I can’t read very little letters.

2.     These trousers are too expensive.

3.     These scissors belong to me.


Answer these questions!


1.     Are the words in italics singular or plural in form? How do you know?

2.     Do they refer to one or more than one thing?

3.     Does it consist of two equal parts?

4.     Do you think these words are used in the plural only?

5.     Do they take a singular or plural form of verb?

6.     What can you conclude from your answers?

Rounded Rectangle: Kata benda yang memiliki bagian sepasang selalu berbentuk jamak dalam bentuknya dan jamak dalam pengertiannnya. Kelompok kata benda ini harus diikuti kata kerja jamak (are, were or V1). 




































Study the following sentences!


1.     The news is bad today

2.     Politics doesn’t interest me.

3.     Billiards is my favorite game

4.     The Philippines is a member of ASEAN.

5.     Measles is a contagious disease.


Answer the following questions!


1.     Are the words in italics used in a singular or plural sense? How do you know?

2.     Are they singular or plural in form?

3.     Do they take a singular or plural form of verb?

4.     What is your conclusion after answering question 1 and 2?

Rounded Rectangle: Kata benda yang selalu berbentuk jamak, tetapi memiliki arti tunggal. Kelompok kata benda ini harus diikuti kata kerja bentuk tungga (is, was atau Vs/es)







1. Some names of sciences ending in -ics










2. Some geographical names



the Netherlands



the Philippines



the United Nations


the Alps

the United States

3. Some names of games



draughts (checkers)




4. Some name of diseases







5. Some other words






(steel) works



Study the following sentences and answer the questions!


1.     a.  There is a sheep in the garden.

b.    A series of eruptions formed a new volcano.

c.     Hirohito is a Japanese.


2.     a.  Sheep eat grass.

b.    I bought some new series of stamps.

c.     Three Japanese are now staying in this hotel.


Answer the following questions!


1.     Are the word in italics in sentence 1.a, 1.b, 1.c, used in singular or plural meaning?

2.     What about the words in italics in sentence 2.a, 2.b, 2.c? Are they singular or plural?

3.     What about the form of those words?

4.     What can you conclude from your answers?



Rounded Rectangle: Kata benda yang digunakan baik dalam pengertian jamak maupun tunggal dengan bentuk yang sama. 


























Fill in the correct form of the bracketed words!


1.     Poultry … useful for their eggs and their meat. (be)

2.     The simplest form of family … the husband and wife without children. (be)

3.     The battalion … been fighting without rest since last Wednesday. (have)

4.     The people in the village … the new doctor. (like)

5.     My scissors … sharpening. (need)

6.     Our volleyball team always … at our school once a week. (practice)

7.     … the famous group of music “LETTO” play in your city every year? (Do)

8.     The government … us choose one of the contestants freely. (let)

9.     The committee always … in the hall of Hyatt Hotel every month. (meet)

10. The pyjamas … to my father. (belong)

11. Deer … meat, because they … herbivore. (not eat) (be)

12. Three Japanese … now staying in this hotel. (be)

13. The news … very fast, and I never consider it. (travel)

14. A pair of trousers … hanging over the chair. (be)

15. China is a nation that … a serious problem of population. (have)



Choose the correct answer in parentheses.


1.     The United States (have, has) a population of around 250 million.

2.     The news about Mr. Morgan (is, are) surprising.

3.     Massachusetts (is, are) a state in the northeastern part of the United States.

4.     Physics (seeks, seek) to understand the mysteries of the physical world.

5.     Statistics (is, are) a branch of mathematics.

6.     The statistics in that report on oil production (is, are) incorrect.

7.     Fifty minutes (is, are) the maximum length of time allowed for the exam.

8.     Twenty dollars (is, are) an unreasonable price for the necklace.

9.     Many people in the world (does, do) not have enough to eat.

10. The police (is, are) prepared in case there is a riot.





Task One

Study the following dialogue and answer the questions that follow!!


Hendry : Good morning, Rina. Did you see Gina?

Rina     : Gina? Yes, I did. He was talking to Mr. Yusuf when I entered the office just now.

Hendry : Was she? I saw her several minutes ago. She was going into the classroom then. Do you think he is still in the office?

Rina     : Look, she was leaving the office.

Hendry : Well, I have to see her. I want to borrow his Biology book.


01.    What was Gina doing when Rina entered the office?

02.    What was Gina doing when Hendry saw her minutes ago?

03.    Why does Hendry want to see Gina?


Task Two

Study the following sentences and then answer the questions that follow.


01.    Gina was talking to Mr. Yusuf when Rina entered the office.

02.    Gina was going into the classroom when Hendry saw her several minutes ago.

  1. What is the pattern of the sentences above?
  2. When do we use these patterns?




01.    Untuk menyatakan aktifitas yang sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau.

Example :  She was singing.

She was not singing.

Was she singing?


02.    Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau pada saat kejadian lain terjadi. Umummnya disertai anak kalimat yang biasanya dengan kata sambung (conjunction) when, while atau as.


Task Three

Supply the correct form of the verbs in the bracket.


01.    He (water) the lawn when it (start) to rain.

02.     I (make) a left turn when his car (hit) me.

03.    She (go) into the bedroom to wake him while her husband (sleep).

04.    When the thief (try) to climb the high wall, a policeman (catch) him.

05.    The accident (take) place while I (drive) to Semarang.

06.    While Didik (park) his car this morning, another car (hit) from behind.

07.    Windy (wait) for me when I (arrive) at the railway station.

08.    When I (see) Sonny last night, he (talk) to a very beautiful girl.

09.    Last night I (read) in bed when suddenly I (hear) a scream.

10.    She (clean) out the closets as she (come) across some old photographs.

11.    The students (repeat) the sentences when Mr. Yusuf (visit) their class.

12.    It (rain) while the passengers (wait) for a bus.

13.    The customs officers (examine) some bags when the Blacks (go) into the waiting room.

14.    Father (draw) a picture when mother (come) in.

15.    While we (enjoy) our lunch, someone (knock) at the door.


Task Four

Choose the correct answer!


01.    He …. an interesting story when unexpectedly father stopped him.

  1. was telling                      d. tells
  2. telling                             e. told
  3. were telling


02.    As I …. In front of my house I saw the accident happened.

  1. walked                            d. were walking
  2. walking                           e. walk
  3. was walking


03.    He …. the news when I was visiting him.

  1. was telling                      d. told
  2. telling                             e. were telling
  3. tells


04.    The family …. a party when their grandfather (die).

  1. was having, died             d. having, dying
  2. were having, died           e. had, dying
  3. had, died


05.    While I was reading a novel, the phone ….

  1. rings                               d. was ringing
  2. ring                                 e. ringing
  3. rang


06.    Father took those photographs when I …. At the concert.

  1. sing                                 d. was singing
  2. sang                                e. were singing
  3. singing


07.    His son was under arrest while he …. abroad.

  1. went                               d. goes
  2. were going                      e. was going
  3. gone


08.    ‘So, you have finished typing those letters! When did you do it?’

‘When you …. the meeting.’

a.       were attending                d. attended

b.       attend                             e. was attending

c.        have attended


09.    He met me when he ….. downtown.

a.       went                               d. gone

b.       goes                                e. was going

c.        were going


10.    We …. our homework when the lights went out at 8 o’clock last night.

a.       are doing                         d. did

b.       were doing                      e. have done

c.        have been doing


Task Five

Write the story in the Past Tense or the Past Progressive Tense.


Story one


Yesterday, Sutarto (go) to Budi’s house in town to borrow a book. He (leave) his house, when he (see) his classmate, Rina. She (come) out of her house, too. Rina (want) to go to the post office, so they (walk) together.

“Who (you talk) to when I (see) you yesterday?” Rina (ask).

“When (be) that?” “He (ask). “Oh I (talk) to my new American friend, Philip,” Sutarto (say). “I (not see) you then. Where (be) you?”

“I (ride) home in a becak. I (call) you, but you (not hear) me.”

“I’m sorry. I (tell) him about tomorrow’s football game then,” he (reply).

Just then they (come) to the post office, so they (say) good bye, and Sutarto (continue) on his way.



Story Two


Budi and Andi (meet) Philip on the street yesterday afternoon. The two boys (tell) him that they (go) to a football match. Philip (say) that he (want) very much to see it. The three boys (go) to the match together then.

Pamela and Al (not go) with the three boys. Pamela (help) her mother in the kitchen, and Al (study) when they (leave).

In the field they (talk) about American and Indonesian football. While Philip (ask) some questions about Indonesian football, the match (start). Both teams (struggle) hard to score. Satria (score) the first goal before the break. Maesa (not score) any goals till some time after the break. Satria (have) a hard time till the match (end). A few minutes before the end of the match, Maesa (get) their goal.


Task 1

Situational Conversation

Practise the dialogue!


Ryan     : Hello, Cindy, I saw you in the market yesterday.

Cindy    : Hi. I didn’t see you, Ryan. What did you buy?

Ryan     : I bought a new shirt, and you?

Cindy    : I wanted to buy a new school bag.

Ryan     : Did you get the school bag you wanted?

Cindy    : I tried five shops, but I didn’t find a good one.


Task 2

Read the dialogue and then answer the following questions.


1.        Who did Ryan see in the market yesterday?

2.        Did Cindy see him?

3.        What did Ryan ask Cindy about the school bag?


Task 3

Study the following sentences!


1.        Ryan saw Cindy in the market yesterday.

2.        Cindy didn’t see him.

3.        Did you get the school bag you wanted?


a.        What is the pattern of the sentence 1?

b.       What is the pattern of the sentence 2?

c.        What is the pattern of the sentence 3?




1.        Pola Kalimat Simple Past Tense yaitu :

a.        S +  V2 + O (+)     

b.       S +  did + not + V1 + O (-)

c.        Did + S + V1 + O (?)

d.       S + (was, were) +  ….

e.        S + (was’ were) + not + ….

f.         (Was, Were) + S + ….


Example :     He prepared his lesson well.

They prepared their lesson well.

He did not prepare his lesson well.

They did not prepare their lesson well.

Did he prepare his lesson well?

Did they prepare their lesson well?


2.        Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk :

a.        menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sudah selesai di waktu lampau pada waktu yang tertentu.

Karena itu digunakan untuk :

1.        Perbuatan di masa lampau apabila waktunya ditentukan :

Example :   I met him yesterday.


2.        Apabila waktunya ditanyakan.

Example : - When did you meet him?


3.        Apabila secara jelas perbuatan itu terjadi pada waktu tertentu, meskipun tidak disebutkan.

Example :   - The train was ten minutes late.

-  How did you get your present job?

-  I bought this car in Bandung.


b.       menyatakan suatu parbuatan yang waktunya tidak disebutkan, tetapi kejadian itu sudah berakhir pada saat sekarang ini atau tidak ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang.


Example :  - He worked in that bank for four years. (Now he doesn’t work in that bank anymore)

-   She lived in Bandung for a long time (But he moves to another place now.)


3.        Simple Past Tense ditandai dengan keterangan waktu :

this morning; yesterday; a week ago; last month; just now;  in 2003;  on Monday


Task 4

Put the verbs into the Past Tense.


01.    Mrs. Steel and her daughter (be) in Indonesia last week.

02.    They (eat) dinner in the cafeteria a few minutes ago.

03.    They (leave) town some time last month.

04.    In Columbus’s day, people (believe) that the earth (be) flat.

05.    We reached the lake just as the sun (set)

06.    Shakespeare (write) his great plays many years ago.

07.    When the teacher (walk) into the classroom, the students (become) quiet.

08.    The guard quickly (catch) the prisoner who (try) to escape.

09.    As soon as he (open) the door, his son (run over) to greet him.

10.    After the movie (be) over, they (go) to the restaurant for coffee.


Task 5

Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.


01.    We watched television lat night.

02.    They borrowed some money from the bank.

03.    The telephone rang all day long.

04.    He got to the platform just as the train left.

05.    He counted his change several times before he left the store.

06.    At the party last night, people sang, danced and ate.

07.    At the beginning of the semester, we reviewed all of last year’s work.

08.    The children played in the snow all afternoon long.

09.    The typist omitted a few words from the letter.

10.    She held on to the child very tightly.


Task 6

Write the story into Past Tense.


Sulastri, Nursi, Amir, and Bram (go) to Rini’s house for dinner last Sunday. Bram (not have) a bike, but Amir (lend) him one. They (ride) together. Sulastri (wait) for Nursi, and then the two girls (take) a becak.

The food (be) good. Rini (cook) it. They (like) the ice-cream, too. Rini (make) it.



Complete the text with the verbs in the correct tense.


Last Summer, I (1) ____ (go) to Punta del Este in Uruguay on holiday with my brother. We (2) ____ (stay) there for two weeks. I (3) ____ (not like) the hotel, but the beach (4) ____ (be) fantastic. I (5) ____ (do) different things – swimming, windsurfing, and diving. We (6) ____ (meet) lots of young people. At night, we (7) ____ (eat) at restaurants in the town and (8) ____ (dance) in the discos. On the last day we (9) ____ (go) to Montevideo and (10) ____ (visit) the old town. I (11) ____ (take) lots of photos.


Task 8

Put the verbs in the parentheses into Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, or simple past.


01.    They boys (play) football right now.

02.    They (play) football twice this month.

03.    We (study) English for four years, and we still (study) it now.

04.    “Where is Yanti?” “I don’t k now. But she (be) here a minute ago.”

05.    He (buy) the book a month ago.

06.    Be careful. The road (be) slippery.

07.    We (not go out) because it was raining very hard.

08.    I (read) three books last month.

09.    You (see) John recently.

10.    Robert and Hani usually (meet) each other every week.

11.    My father usually (not drink) a cup of coffee, but today he (drink) it.

12.    The project (build) this bridge two years ago.

13.    Don’t be noisy. Your little sister (sleep) now.

14.    Rindi wears her new blouse and skirt. She (appear) beautiful in her new clothes.

15.    The price of some daily needs (increase) lately.


Task 1

Practise the dialogue!


Lidya    :  Have you done your homework?

Teddy   :  The Geography homework? Yes, I have. I did it last night.

Have you finished yours?

Lidya    :  No, I haven’t. I’ve done exercise A and B, but I haven’t finished exercise C yet. I am going to do it this evening. Is it easy?

Teddy   :  Well, not too difficult.


Task 2

Read the dialogue and then answer the following questions.


1.        What has Teddy done?

2.        What did Teddy ask about Lidya’s homework?

3.        Has Lidya finished done her homework?


Task 3

Study the following sentences!


1.        Teddy has finished his Geography homework.

2.        Have you finished yours?

3.        No, She has not finished her Geography homework.


a.        What is the pattern of the sentence 1?

b.       What is the pattern of the sentence 2?

c.        What is the pattern of the sentence 3?








1.        Pola Kalimat Present Perfect Tense yaitu :

a.        S +  have + V3 + O (+)                                   


b.       S +  have + not + V3 + O (-)


c.        Have + S + V3 + O (?)



They                                                    they                           

We             have + V3                                                   we

I                have + not + V3      Have      I        +  V3

You                                                     you


He                                                       he

She           has + V3               Has        she   + V3

It              has + not + V3                                      it



Example :  He has prepared his lesson well.

They have prepared their lesson well.

He has not prepared his lesson well.

They have not prepared their lesson well.

Has he prepared his lesson well?

Have they prepared their lesson well?


2.        Present Perfect Tense digunakan untuk :

a.        menyatakan suatu tindakan yang dimulai pada waktu lampau dan selesai pada waktu sekarang (ketika berbicara)

Example :  - This room has not been cleaned for months. (but today We clean it.)

-   I haven’t seen you for ages. (However, I see you)


b.       menyatakan perbuatan yang terjadi di waktu lampau tetapi masih mempunyai hubungan dengan waktu sekarang (terus berlangsung sampai sekarang), yaitu aktivitas itu dapat diulangi pada waktu sekarang.

Example :  - I have seen wolves in that forest.

-   John Smith has written a number of short stories


c.        menyatakan perbuatan yang baru saja dilakukan tetapi waktunya tidak disebutkan karena tidak perlu.

Example :     - I have read the instructions but I don’t understand them.

-    Have you had breakfast?


3.         Present Perfect Tense ditandai dengan keterangan waktu :

a.       Since ( sejak) digunakan untuk manandai waktu dimulainya suatu tindakan. (since x)

Example :  - She has lived in London since October.

-   I have not gone home since April.


b.       for (selama) digunakan untuk menandai lamanya suatu kejadian. (for                )

Example :  - She has lived here for three months.

-       We have not gone home for six months.


c.        just (baru saja) digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian yang baru saja terjadi.

Example :    - I have just met my friend in the corridor.

-    He has just begun English.


d.       already (telah) digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi. (+ dan ?)

Example : - Have you already had breakfast?

-   She has given her old dresses to the poor already.

-   She has already given her old dresses to the poor.


e.       yet (belum) digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian yang belum terjadi. ( - dan ?)

Example :  - They haven’t found the boy yet.

-   Haven’t you returned my book yet?


f.         lately, recently (baru-baru ini) digunakan untuk menunjukan suatu kejadian yang baru-baru ini terjadi.

Example :  - I have been very busy recently.

-   She has visited her grandmother lately.


g.       up to now (hingga kini); all morning (sepanjang pagi); so far (sejauh ini); up to the present (hingga kini); all this year (sepanjang tahun ini).


Task 4

Put the verbs into the Present Perfect Tense.


01.    He (not smoke) for several weeks.

02.    She (fall) off her bicycle many times.

03.    He (be) a member of House of Representatives for many years.

04.    There (be) many accidents on that road recently.

05.    I (have) this toothache since yesterday.

06.    His business (prosper) so far.

07.    Up to now we (never have) any trouble with our refrigerator.

08.    I (not yet see) that play.

09.    He (be) seriously ill for the past few days.

10.    It (rain) here since this morning?


Task 5

Change the following sentences into negative and interrogative.


01.    She has said the same things for an hour.

02.    They have worked on that bridge all year long.

03.    The sick boy has stayed in bed as the doctor ordered.

04.    All day long I have waited for the telegram to arrive.

05.    He has worked for the same company for 25 years.




Task 6

Put the verbs into the Simple Present, Present Progressive, or Present Perfect Tense.


01.    We (do) this unit for a week, and we (do) it now.

02.    The children (play) for more than an hour, and they still (play) now.

03.    Rano and Yanti (be) in the same class for three years, and they (be) still in the same class.

04.    I (use) this pen for two months, but it (be) still new.

05.    We (study) English for three years, and we still (study) it now.

06.    He (work) for three hours, and he (be) still busy.

07.    The Borobudur (stand) for hundreds of years, and it still (stand) now.

08.    The old man (be) ill for two months, and he (be) still in hospital.

09.    Ibu Sri (teach) history for ten years, and she still (teach) history.

10.    Pak Makmur (play) chess for twenty years, and he still (play) once a week.

1 komentar:

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