Jumat, 16 Januari 2009


Task 1

Study the following dialogue carefully, then answer the questions.


Linda       : “Good morning, Win, how are you ?”

Winda     : “I’m fine, thank you.”

Linda       : “How is your mother ?”

Winda     : “Not too well, I’m afraid. She got a bit cold.”

Linda       : “What are you going to do then ?”                             

Winda     : “I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Linda      : “Did you take her to the hospital ?”

Winda     : “Not yet, but my sister asked if I took her to the hospital.

Linda      : “I think that you should take her to hospital.”

Winda     : “What you say is quite right.”




1.       How is Winda?

2.       How is Winda’s mother?

3.       What is Winda going to do?

4.       What did her sister ask?

5.       What does Linda think?

6.       What does Winda reply?


Task 2

Look at the underlined words, and answer the questions that follow!


a. I don’t know what I’m going to do.

b. Her sister asked if she took her to hospital.

c. I think that you should take her to hospital.

d. What you say is quite right.


1.       Do the underlined words have a subject and a predicate?

2.       Can the underlined words stand themselves without the other sentence?

3.       Don’t you call them a clause?

4.       What do the underlined words in the sentence a, b, and c stand as, a subject, an object or a complement?

5.       What do the underlined words in the sentence d stand as, a subject, an object or a complement?

6.       What kind of clause the underlined words above, a noun clause or an adjective clause?




1.       A clause is a group of related words that has a subject and a predicate.

2.       A noun  clause is a clause which stands as a noun. It can be :

a.      Subject

What they are talking about is something important.

b.      Object

I have to see what they are going to show.

c.      Complement

It’s not what I want to see.


Task 3

Change the questions in the parentheses into noun clause.

Example : (Where are you going ?) Tell me….

Tell me where you are going.


1.       (What did she say ?) …. wasn’t true.

2.       (When are they coming ?) Do you know …. ?

3.       (How much does it cost ?) I can’t remember ….

4.       (Which one does he want ?) Let’s ask him ….

5.       (Who is coming to the party ?) I don’t know ….

6.       (Why did they leave the country ?) …. is a secret.

7.       (What are we doing in class ?) …. is easy.

8.       (Where did she go ?) …. is none of your business.

9.       (How many letters are there in the English alphabet ?) I don’t remember ….

10.   (What did the police find inside ?) …. was a crying baby.



Task 4

Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e.


1.       I shall ask them ….                                                     6. I wonder ….

a.      who is the lady in the kitchen                                    a. how much cost these shoes

b.      who the lady is in the kitchen                                    b. how much do these shoes cost

c.      who in the kitchen is the lady                                    c. how much these shoes do cost

d.      who the lady in the kitchen is                                    d. how much these shoes cost

e.      who in the kitchen the lady is                                    e. how much are these shoes cost


2.       Helen didn’t mention ….                                              7. Tina : Did you leave your dictionary at the library.

a.        what countries has she visited                                   Anti : What do you wonder ?

b.        what countries she has visited                                   Tina : I wonder …. your dictionary at the library.

c.         what countries she visits                                           a. if you left  d. where you left

d.        what countries she had visited                                  b. what you left e. when you left

e.        what countries had she visited                                  c. why you left


3.       Did she remember …. ?                                              8. Tourist : Do you know …. ?

a.      when the boy had arrived                                         Tono   : It’s about 1 kilometer from here.

b.      when had the boy arrived                                         a. how far is it to your hometown

c.      when the boy arrives                                                b. how far to your hometown it is

d.      when the boy has arrived                                         c. how far it is to your hometown

e.      when has the boy arrived                                         d. it is how far to your hometown

                                                                                          e. it is your hometown how far

4.       I didn’t hear …. because there was too much noise

where I was sitting.                                                   9. Indah : What have the book written about ?

a.      what said                     d. what was he saying           Indri : The book have written about ….

b.      what he said                 e. what he says                    a. how one can become a better reader.

c.      what did he say                                                       b. how can one become a better reader.

                                                                                          c. how can a better reader become one.

                                                                                          d. how a better reader can become one.

5.       Do you know …. ?                                                           e. how one can a better reader become.

a.      what time the movie starts

b.      what time starts the movie                                   10. …. is a mystery to me.                 

c.      what time does the movie start                                 a. Why did the class elect John chairman

d.      the movie starts what time                                       b. Why did chairman elect John the class

e.      what the movie starts time                                       c. Why the class elected John chairman

                                                                                          d. Why John elected the class chairman

                                                                                          e. Why did John elect the class chairman

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